Ways to Contribute


 To make cash contribution, please send your check to:

WAAM Treasurer

4800 W. Waco Drive, Suite 110

Waco, Texas 76710


Credit Cards

 WAAM can accept contributions directly and securely through PayPal. 

Simply click on the "Donate" button below and pay with a major credit card or your PayPal account. 


Matching Gifts

 Many US companies match their employees' gifts to qualified not-for-profit organizations. 

Some companies will double or triple the amount of an employee's gift.



 A multi-year pledge may allow you to make a larger contribution and pay it over a period of several years, 

thereby extending the tax benefits over the entire pledge period.


Securities and Real Estate

 When you transfer appreciated securities or real estate to WAAM as a charitable contribution, 

you get an income tax deduction for the full appreciated value of the asset and avoid a capital gains tax on the appreciation.